Spring is our busy time of year, as it is on most farms. Grass starts growing and we go from worrying about not having enough feed to worrying about how we will keep the grass down. Weeds weeds weeds too, although our Highlands help with this as they eat anything (except dock), so our paddocks are remarkably clean of weeds. The other objective is to get our Spring calving herd back off our steps or flooding river flats to our preferred calving paddocks. Given we are right now short of grass and ing hay, and so are moving mobs frequently, getting our Sping calving girls where want them to be is very like the sliding tile puzzles we all used play as kids. it would be good to move them from A to K, but other mobs are in the ways and need to move through their rotation, so how do we move all 4 mobs around each other in a way that gets the Springs where we need them to be a week before calving starts. It’s not 3D chess, but it does mean that we need to plan the movement of all mobs three moves ahead.
Ready to have their calves
Our Spring paddock puzzle